Greenhaus, Riordan & Co., LLP is a full service public accounting firm providing services to closely held businesses and individuals around the globe. The firm was founded in New York City over 70 years ago by Lawrence Greenhaus. Since then, the firm has expanded to our four Connecticut offices located in Danbury, New Milford, Milford and Lakeville.
Greenhaus, Riordan & Co. LLP differentiates from other accounting firms by providing a custom tailored service at a competitive fee. Our clients can expect:
- More Personal attention. Your engagement is our highest priority. A remarkably efficient and higher quality experience is a feature that sets us apart from other firms.
- Fairness. Our goal is to provide value that far exceeds our fee. Typical fee arrangements are made in advance of our work being performed and our commitments are honored.
- A Higher Degree of Technical proficiency. Our sophisticated clientele demand expert and innovative services. We are active participants in our profession and pride ourselves with keeping up with the latest trends. Our CPA’s are all experienced in the industry and enjoy assisting our clients in their area of expertise. Learn More…